The new Expedition is 43% lighter than the previous Extreme model – more comfortable for long journeys or working outdoors.
Look for it at your local stockist in the bright green carry bag (the previous Extreme model comes in a blue carry bag). Trek for longer with the new lighter SPX Expedition!
Note: the video above features the original model. It was replaced by the Extreme ‘black fabric’ model which has been replaced in June 2022 by the new lighter weight Expedition model.
You’ve asked for it so we made it! A metal-free design of our snake proof gaiter is now available.
The SPX Prospector is available in the Medium size. Check with your local stockist for more information.
Are you a stockist and would like our A1 Poster for your store? The signs are 5mm Signflute printed with long life UV resistant ink suitable for outdoor use on a typical A-Frame.
Please Contact Us and we’ll promptly get one to you.
One of the zippers broke. where can i get replacement? I only bought my snake gaiters last year. Monika
That’s a first, so thank you for the pic. We will send you a new pair – what’s your address? Jason
We’ll have a new pair despatched today Monika J
You will notice that it is our upgraded model which has more useful features than the one you have. Jason
That is amazing Jason, thank you. i would have never expected to get a new pair.
I love them, I feel so much safer walking around the farm.” since i have them.
Best customer service ever. will highly recommend them (already did anyway).
Kind regard Monika
October 2018
“Thanks Jason for your quick response. I have just ordered a pair as a present for a friend. I’m looking forward to getting them. The new features look great.”
“I have a pair of one of the earlier models and wear them most days in summer. They have done many miles and are very comfortable to wear. I have brought several for family and friends. They in turn have brought some for their family. Thankfully I have never put them to the test, and hopefully never will, but they give peace of mind when I’m trekking through long grass herding cattle. The gaiters are also great when walking or riding the bike through thistles!”
November 2018
“G’day, not going to lie… I was hesitant to spend the money on your gaiters…. but I am fairly sure they just saved me… was just out spraying lantana on my farm and felt a whack on my left one, when I looked down saw a brown tail disappearing into the grass… not 100% sure it was a bite, it may have been the tail flicking me or something but either way I am now convinced it was money well spent…. now I am just waiting for my heart rate to go back down before I continue spraying! Thanks! Damo”
Toowomba Region, Queensland
April 2019
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18 Follett Close,
Mt Barker SA 5251
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