About SnakeProtex

Advanced protection from snake strikes

As workplace safety requirements have increased people have become more concerned as to ensuring they have suitable protective apparel. 

OHS policies affecting councils, landscape contractors and other businesses require adequate personal protective equipment (PPE) for employees. Protection for outdoor workers from snake bites is an issue fast becoming a recognised critical need. 

As this requirement for protection from snakes has been increasing for some time, we worked with our suppliers & manufacturers of protective clothing to develop and refine a world leading Snake gaiter. 

The Threat

Venomous snake species are a threat in many parts of the world. Many snakes have the capability to inflict a fatal bite. In Australia the common Eastern Brown Snake Is the cause of most instances of snakebite.

The Product

SnakeProtex Gaiters are the result of over 12 months’ investigation, design and testing. The outcome is a pair of herpetologist tested gaiters designed to protect the lower leg (knee to ankle). 

Why SnakeProtex?

Engineered for superior puncture resistance, SnakeProtex Gaiters provide unmatched defence against snakes. With double the strength of standard protection ratings, these gaiters offer peace of mind and reliable safety in even the most snake-prone environments. 

Stay Protected.

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